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First Presbyterian Church of Cheraw has a rich history of giving to the local community and beyond. The Lois McArn Community Ministry, which was established in 2002, created a food bank, open to those in need in the community. Our members seek to spread and witness to Christ's love through our mission outreach. In past years, we made annual trips to Harrisonburg, Virginia, to assist Renewing Homes of Augusta County in repairing local homes. Over the last several years, First Presbyterian has developed a strong partnership with Chesterfield County's Habitat for Humanity as volunteers have assisted in the completion of at least five houses within our county. In addition, we also help with Habitat urgent repairs. Currently, Habitat for Humanity has a 4.5 acres tract, donated by the Malloy Foundation, with enough space for a thirteen-lot subdivision. Our team hopes to be able to assist with this project. This year we also began a new outreach, Friendship Meals. Meals are delivered once every other month to members of our congregation as well as members of the community. We also have partnerships with Pathfinders, a local afterschool program, and the Pee Dee Coalition for Domestic Violence. We provide financial support to missionaries, Mark Hare and Jenny Bent in Costa Rico, and Ellen Smith in Russia. The Mission Outreach Team is also responsible for five special offerings collected during the calendar year. Those include One Great Hour of Sharing, supporting Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund, Self-Development of People Initiative, and Presbyterian Hunger Program; Mother’s Day, supporting Presbyterian Communities of SC; PADD, supporting the developmentally disabled; Thanksgiving, supporting Thornwell Home; and Christmas Joy, supporting Board of Pensions, church workers needing assistance, and Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Mission Outreach Team is an important part of our church.

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First Presbyterian Church of Cheraw | 300 Market St Cheraw, SC 29520 | 843.537.7474


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