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Ministry Teams


These teams report directly to the Session. Usually there are at least two Session elders on a team.  Any church member may be on a team.  If you have a desire to be on one of these teams, please contact a Session member or the team chairperson.


chairperson:  Robby Bennet

superintentent:  John Long
Responsible for oversight of church staff, buildings and grounds,  and financial matters.  

Christian Education

chairperson: Kelli Beck
Responsible for the church (Sunday) school, Vacation Bible school, Youth activities and programs, Fun Program, and other educational endeavors of the church.

Fellowship / Membership

chairperson:  Mary Jane Evans / Jean Page Watson 
Responsible for gathering the church family in activities of fellowship such as church dinners, game nights, etc.  Also responsible for the care of congregational members, caring circles, contacting visitors, etc.


chairperson: Mary Anderson
Responsible for the stewardship program, and educating the congregation on matters of giving (including money, time, and talents).


chairperson: Avery Dickson
Responsible for all mission endeavors of the congregation.  This includes mission trips, and special offerings such as Mothers' Day, Thornwell, Christmas Joy, PADD, One Great Hour of Sharing, etc.


chairperson:  Andrew McLeod
Responsible for planning of worship and music activities for the congregation.  It is also responsible for securing pastors, ushers, acolytes, etc. that are part of worship services.

Other Teams:

Endowment Fund, chairperson Susan Malloy

Lois G McArn Fund, chairperson Ashley Driggers

First Response Team, chairperson Cam Beck


First Presbyterian Church of Cheraw | 300 Market St Cheraw, SC 29520 | 843.537.7474


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